Thursday, July 1, 2021

"Independence Day July Pinups"

Ahead of the Fourth of July, I’ve gathered up some fabulous patriotic pinups for all to enjoy! These pin-up models and America’s celebrations of Independence Day go together like a well-fitted glove with fireworks, sparklers, and red, white and blue get-ups, they are surely cause for celebration I hope my shipmates can enjoy…



  1. I HAVE to say it - Several of those pictures show BLATANTLY incorrect use of the US Flag.

    - The third one shows a woman appearing to sit on a Flag, though she's actually lying on the wing and the Flag is resting on the side of the airplane.
    - The fourth and 12th show a woman wrapping a Flag around her like a cape. While mild, this is not a correct use of the Flag, though Olympian athletes frequently do it.
    - The fifth one shows the woman apparently standing on a Flag.
    - The eleventh one shows a woman wrapped in and lying on a Flag.

    Those misuses of the Flag have a very negative effect on my enjoyment of the pictures.

    1. That only applies to flags that have been commissioned shipmate!
