On my latest deployment I had been faced with
a relatively new phenomenon. In the 7th Fleet our sailors are now required to
submit detailed liberty plans specifying their off duty activities. There’s a
variety of questions that deal with drinking such as who they will be drinking
with, how much and for how long. Once finished, it has to be reviewed and then
approved by the Chain-of-Command (COC). If the sailor deviates from said plan,
he must get written authorization to do so. Furthermore, a copy of the plan
must be with them at all times and revealed to any COC who asks for it.
From Guam to Japan and as far west as
Singapore this has been directed as the result of a young Japanese girl who had
been raped by one of our very own. So as it goes, the whole entire 7th Fleet is
to pay the price. Please don’t misinterpret my assessment as indifferent or to
think these atrocities as acceptable. But why not hold these jackasses solely
accountable instead of the whole damn fleet. Better yet, why not turn them over
to the Japanese authorities and let them have their way with these assholes.
For the first time in my Navy career I had
witnessed one of my own sailors go to Captain’s Mast for numerous trumped up
charges related to the liberty plans. Fortunately for him all but “Disobeying a
Direct Order” were dropped. But had it not been for the existence of this
liberty plan, my sailor’s actions would never have been in doubt. His
misgivings didn’t even fit the spirit of the damn liberty plan in the first
place. Just some bitter asshole out to rack up as many charges on this cat as
he could finagle. This same asshole thought it was such a grand idea he
suggested we utilize liberty plans every time we leave our homeport. Can you
imagine filling out liberty plans for San Diego? Thank goodness the Skipper
shot that idea down.
Restricting the liberty of sailors after
weeks sometimes even months at sea will only cause them to become more
audacious and unrestrained as they revel in their abandonment. They’re not
simply robots you can preprogram or dogs you can put on a leash. It’s called
liberty for a reason damn it! I’ve seen officers piss on furniture in hotel
lobbies and commandeer foreign liberty boats causing international incidents.
These aren’t junior sailors mind you which only goes to prove that even the
educated minds of our illustrious COC can partake in the scandalous behaviors
of real idiots when cooped up for too long. You treat your people like shit and
you see what happens? Somewhere it has been stated,
“It’s the same reason the preachers’
daughters are freaks in my opinion. You keep them cooped up in the house, don’t
let them out and experience the real world. Once they get that chance they
don’t know what to do except go crazy.”
I don’t regret a minute of my service, and I
don’t feel like I have “wasted time”, like so many say they have. It’s merely
the Mickey Mouse leadership we have come to deal with that can drive a man
insane. Is it a wonder that we have had over 133 Commanding Officers fired in
the last ten years? Or that countless Chiefs and Officers are caught in the
sticky web of fraternization and inappropriate behavior. We didn’t have these
problems prior to the 1990s. Was the Navy that much better than now or were we
just so screwed up beyond belief that no one wanted to deal with it?
And what about this asinine fuckulous of an
idea they call intrusive leadership? We can’t fraternize with the troops and we
surely can’t be hanging around with them twenty-four seven! But damned the
Chief who can’t keep a tight lid on his people and prevent them from getting a
DUI after weekly doses of alcohol deglamorization brainwashing or from going
out raping some young girl in Japan! The little asshole knows this is wrong
already, so how is my intrusive invasion of his privacy going to prevent his
testosterone levels from overrunning his damn brain! When I was a young seaman
it wasn’t entirely culpable for a Chief or First Class to put his size 12 boot
up my ass with a little ol’ fashioned wall to wall counseling! But now that
would be grounds for Courts Martial due to assaulting a junior sailor. My how
times have changed.
The best years of my life were served in the
United States Navy. But this so called political correctness has gone haywire!
I once read a quote in a blog somewhere that went like this,
“I dearly love Japan and the Japanese people
are absolutely wonderful, but do you really think that we would have “liberty
plans” if Nimitz was in charge? How about MacArthur? Yep, they used to win
I sure the hell don't send my kids out with a
liberty plan before they spend the night at a friends house or go hang out at
the mall. So does it make me a bad guy to jump ship before it sinks? Retirement
is the ultimate solution for an ol' salt and I am glad I’m reaching my tenure.
All that can be asked is that adults be treated like adults and held
accountable to their own merit!

I totally agree iwth your writings here. The new PC Navy will eventually sink. "Work hard, play hard" is now against Navy Regs and alcohol is so taboo you can't even wear cologne because you might get in trouble. I retired for the same reasons. You now longer get promoted for doing your job, you get promoted ofr being a "yes" man and have no individual thinking skills.
This wonder "Liberty Plan" has managed to travel from west coast to the east coast and yes there are ship using this for weekend liberty in our homeport of Norfolk, VA. We have even had people go to DRB for deviating from there liberty plan as well as even being at the same bar as a 25 year old sailor who got a DUI, had he been kicked out in one of his 5 previous trips to Captain's Mast he wouldn't be our problem. Today's Navy is all about hugging and not about holding adults accountable for there actions. Retirement paperwork submitted, 23 years is long enough!!!
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain!!!
ReplyDeleteI've been retired now for almost 6 years and I feel your pain STILL. Holding people accountable was lost somewhere amongst the TQL and all the other BS that fine Navy leadership and the civilian sector has forced down our throats for the past 25+ years. I tried to have several of my Sailors booted for obvious reasons but my Skippers at the time wouldn't do it as they thought a group hug would "fix" that person. Well, that Skipper would come and go, and bam, the little sh*t would be at Mast again for the same sh*t...finally the little sob would transfer to another command and get booted. So tired of it..the politically correctness of the armed services has ruined what a Chain of Command should instill in every able body. Group hugs don't win wars...following orders and doing what your told does. So glad I am retired as if I was still in, I'd have killed someone by now with all the BS. It was only getting worse when I submitted my papers early as I had had enough!
ReplyDeleteADC (ret)
As I read this, I get more pissed off. You whine about this shit like an e-6 or e-7! Step Up and be a fuckin' CHIEF!! Don't do what's PC, do what's RIGHT!!
That's alright FCC (SW)... Your certainly entitled to your opinion, and I can always appreciate that... with that being said, I wrote this little yarn about five years ago... just before I retired! Judging from the CPOs, Warrants, and LDOs I helped along the way to their success over the years I think it's a pretty good mark of success... as an initiated Chief! Besides, judging from the comments I receive... I'm sure most would agree with me! But I wouldn't bother spinning these yarns if I was afraid of piss'n people like you off... so be as pissed off as you'd like, the more the marrier I always say!!!
ReplyDeleteYour picture makes it really hard for me to take your rant serious, and I really want to because I see your point. But a girl was raped and many others, and thats the picture you post? The culture from which old salts like yourself came up in has lots to do with why the military is taking the direction it is. The pictures, the jokes, the groping, all of it is unprofessional. No generation is better than any other, and you learn from the past to bring light the possibilities of future mistakes. Maybe showing up to work wreaking of liquor from drinking all night out on libery was okay 15 years ago, but now not so much. You said problems like this didnt exist before the 1990's but how naive of a statment is that? Problems prior to the 90's were swept under the rug, or ignored because of fear of reprimand. No one took complaints of sexual assault or harrasement serious. The trumped up charges you spoke of were a tradgedy, but imagine being raped and your COC being allowed to sweep it under the rug, to me that is the real tradgedy.
ReplyDeleteI dont think the liberty plan will stop a rapist from raping, or predators from lurking, but maybe it will make them think twice before they head off the brow for liberty with plans of getting drunk. I have 3 girls, and while I dont make them fill out a liberty plan before they leave the house, I damn sure want to know where they are going, who they are going to be with, what they are going to be doing, and if there will be some type of supervision. I trust my girls, but I shit happens. Today's atmosphere demands that you pay attention because there are too many predators out there waiting for the opportunity to act. Thanks for your post it was really thought provoking!
wtf if you didnt party hard you weren't in the navy I know Forrestal BT 77-84 glad I got out befor this sh=t happened
ReplyDeleteGood thing I got out in "84. Ass kissing was how you made rate back then and now PC is running the Navy. Bravo Zulu, I don't think so. Un-sat eval.
ReplyDeleteGW BMSN USS Long Beach
Just got back from back to back deployments on the Stennis. They made us do liberty plans in 7th fleet, 5th fleet, and even in Hawaii on our way home. On my Hawaii one I basically put down, "we're back in the US, I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want." Our liberty plans were pretty general anyways so I never heard of anyone getting in trouble just for violating one.
ReplyDeleteMM1(SW) (almost RET....on term lv)
You know the saying "You act like children, I'll treat you like children?" It goes both ways. You can only treat adults like children for so long before they become dependent and start acting like children. It use to be someone get in trouble, they'd be punished, then they'd either shape up or get kicked out. Now you got people go to DRB and Mast 10 times before someone realizes "well maybe this guy shouldn't be here." Likewise, now you have guys going to DRB for the most asinine, mundane BS you can imagine! I hear about stuff like this and I'm glad I got injured in combat and retired after 15.
ReplyDeleteFormer BM2(SW)
SGT(SW) USA (ret)
I was there when it all started to change.. in the early 90's... when it went from "Hey, I'm an SM3, and I don't like what my SM2 just did, so I'm going to pull him, and him alone, back into the flag office for a "chat" " to "well, I don't like what someone did, so I'm going to go whine about it to my chief"... and how it moved even worse from there. I grew up Navy.. 6 generations worth.. and I know that some of my relatives are rolling over at the bottom of the sea with this "new pc navy". Even though I miss my time in every day, I know that I'm better off NOT being part of this new navy, a visit now and then, sure.. but being constrained to the new ways would have put me in the brig by now I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteI Always had a liberty plan when I was single and stationed in Sasebo, Japan on a couple of ships, visiting P.I. Hong Kong, Okinawa, Taiwan and cities and towns in Japan. The plan was to drink and get a women and shack up with her for the night or weekend.