Friday, February 7, 2020

"Naughty Nautical Pin-ups"

If you consider the pin-up sexist or antiquated, slap yourself now! Yes they are sexually exciting, yes they are often naughty, but what true American Sailor can resist that woman looking back and slightly bent over, or lying back with an arched back? The wide appeal of pin-ups has lasted for decades and has made its mark on pop culture. I hope you enjoy these new pics …


  1. When you are "forty miles from land, land forty miles from sea" one needs a little inspiration, don't you think?

  2. Absolutely. I give a BIG HELL YEAH to naughty pin-ups (GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS....)

  3. Wernt nuthin wrong with any o those pics!

  4. Sailors occasionally need to be reminded what they're fighting for. The greatest natural resource made in America.
