Sunday, June 11, 2023

"A Few Things About Sailor'n"


Things about a sailor’s past that make you miss the old days but feel you wouldn’t fit into today’s Canoe Club…

It seems that today’s Navy is adrift in a slow-rolling sea of chaos.

Sailors never had it so well. The simple pleasures of dining on the messdecks to generous servings of semi-gourmet meals … 

The first time entering a foreign port, I could help but notice the smell.  It was a hot, damp, and humid day with a tinge of diesel, sewage, and barbeque in the air.  I remember wrinkling my nose in disgust.

I loved Navy Coffee… I used to drink three cups in the morning and three cups after lunch! Then I’d go down to the Titty Bars and yell…

“Put it on! Put it on!”


The Navy would send you a fortune in News Papers!  If there was trouble anywhere in the world, they’d send us right over!!! You didn’t have to read about it…

The Navy thinks of everything… They gave me room and board, medical and dental care, thirty-day vacation, travel, a $250,000 life insurance policy, and a chance to use it!!!

Sailors are like boats… when they get too full of it, you’ve got to bail them out!


  1. Keep with it! Love the vernacular!

  2. Aye aye ! Sailor!

  3. The coffee cup stayed on the desk all day, and was refilled often while I worked in an office. I went into withdrawal when I moved down into the storerooms.
