Saturday, October 28, 2023

" Humanitarian Feel-Good Patty-Cake Sessions "


In all my time in the Navy, I served as a Firecontrolman (FC). Not to be confused by you landlubbers as a fireman as I always tell people we were meant to start fires, not stop them.  I’d been asked a gazillion times if I’d wished I’d had the glory of shooting down the bad guy in times of war. Well, how the hell do you answer a question like that?  I did twenty-three years in this Canoe Club as an FC never firing a gun or missile in anger. We practiced like hell, but I never had to squeeze the trigger, push the button, or flip the switch as it were.   

I mean, how’d you feel having another man, child, or woman’s loss of life weighing on your conscious? Well, I couldn’t tell you because it never happened to me. But I knew what my duty was and I would’ve carried it out promptly, but the situation never presented itself in my behalf. It reminds me of a question I asked a Vietnam veteran a long, long time ago if he’d ever killed anybody over there…

“Well, that’s an asshole question.”

… was his reply.

Looking back and realizing what I know now, yes it absolutely was an asshole question, and so is asking someone if they wish they had the glory of doing so. I would suspect the majority of our men and women in uniform ain’t itching for the chance to take out some bad guys but some here in our own US of A seem either damned sure that our military members are a bunch of psychopathic trained killers or are rooting for the other team. I just don’t get it. 

I grew up and enlisted during the Cold War. My God, twenty-thousand testicle-radiating nukes could go off at any time from all around this fishbowl, and we’re kicking our own asses harder than the enemy at large!  Pro-Hamas provocateurs are lighting torches and lighting fires in our own homeland scaring the hell out of anyone who believes in the Judeo-Christian way of life.  We've got kids on college campuses hiding in the library bathroom while hundreds of protestors are breaking windows and banging on the doors chanting, “Let-Us-In … Let-Us-In!” Reporters are getting kicked in the head just for covering these mutineers.

I just don’t get these snot-nosed imbeciles fawning over Iranian, Hamas, and Hezbollah terrorists while propping up their corrupt regimes and bending over backward to accommodate their actions.  Don’t they realize these groups would sooner lop off their brain-dead heads than have a civilized conversation with them? And that totally leaves out the axis of evil manifesting between China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and who knows what else.

Unfortunately, the way we are spreading ourselves thin and the debt we’ve incurred over the years, a couple of well-armed row boats might be all we can do to help out the Israeli IDF. It used to be that the enemy would eventually give up when they got tired of dragging their dead children out of the rubble from all of the pain and destruction. The Israelis aren’t fighting a war where the leading faction gives a damn about their own civilians. All they care about is the eradication of the Jews and any other infidel hiding on the planet.  I’d say they are worse than Hitler because their fervor comes from religious ideology rather than nation-building. 

That being said, the ways of war do not include humanitarian feel-good patty-cake sessions with fake crony allies in the likes of Qatar and Pakistan.  These people don’t give two shits about the rules of war or the Geneva Convention.  As a matter of fact, they use it against us as we’re the only ones who will remotely play by the rules. While we’re sitting at home arguing over gun-free zones, gender ideology, and pronouns the enemy is teaching its youth how to tear down and clean an AK-47.  This puts us in a reactive state just waiting for another 9/11 or Pearl Harbor to happen. 

Unfortunately, the next one will probably be a megaton explosion or some sort of biological devastation. In the meantime, our political leaders try to appease our enemies while we sit our collectively complacent asses on the sidelines in a non-participating way while we watch the world burn. Let’s all hope that in the end, cooler heads will prevail and we don’t resort ourselves to ash and cinder… We need more Teddy Roosevelts in the world. 

( Fin )


  1. MRC(SW)RalphUSN(RET)October 29, 2023 at 4:25 AM

    We are witnessing what it means to get a participation trophy from the world.

  2. Agree. Not the country we served to protect anymore. Do believe the mandatory draft for every 18 year old would surely help make warriors vs out of this lost generation but would be political suicide to any legislator to even breathe it. Holding our elected officials to their oath of office would sure help too. Just the way I see it.

  3. DAMN GREAT POST !!! BZ, MATE, FOR YOUR(MY) CANDOR !!!!! USN, 66 - 70 !!!! A "HAWK" HERE !!!! NONE OF THAT "dove" shit !!!!!!!

  4. Agree with all OSCS (SW) ret.

  5. BRAVO ZULU "Shipmate"!

  6. Great points. What’s the cure?

  7. Maybe time give the dirty savages a napalm bath. When we’re done with the “intellectuals” we send some overseas. If it’s good enough to stick to their kids, it’s good enough for ours. 🤨

  8. well said my shipmates.
