Saturday, July 20, 2019

"Skippy's Mast"

Playing fast and loose with the rules gets a sailor busted and Seaman Johnny may soon find himself in front of the Skipper … not in a good way! In naval tradition, Captain’s Mast is the traditional location of the non-judicial hearing under which a commanding officer studies and disposes of cases involving those under his or her command. If the individual conducting the proceeding is either a captain, or a lower ranking officer (typically a commander or lieutenant commander) serving as commanding officer of a naval vessel, an aviation squadron, or similar command afloat or ashore, in laments terms the proceeding is referred by shipmates as Skippy's Mast.  I myself stood in front of the old man twice in my first six months of a twenty-three year career.  They say you can’t make Chief unless you’d been to Mast at least once.

Here are some cartoons I’ve collected over the years on Skippy’s Mast! I hope you enjoy …