Tuesday, November 29, 2022

" A Few Funny Jokes "


Here are a few for your enjoyment…


Did you hear the one about Captain Hornblower?

He dreamed he was shipwrecked on an emerald isle with a thousand beautiful hula girls and he woke up with his mast in his hand and a jellyfish in his navel …

In the days of buggery in the old Royal Navy, S.O.S. was an old Navy term that meant,

“Stoop Over, Sport!”


If shrimp come in on a shrimp boat, do crabs come in on the Captain’s dinghy?


What happens if you confine a Typical Enlisted Sailor to quarters with a 2-foot diameter ball bearing?

He will either break it or get it pregnant.

Fin )


1 comment:

  1. After he tried to loose that ball bearing......
