Monday, May 6, 2019


There is a term they use in the secret world of espionage. They call it “Sexpionage,” the world of spies, lies, and naked Thighs.

I’m sure everyone who ever ended up in the Philippines can remember their favorite Honey-Ko. Did you ever wonder how those “LBFMs” knew the ship’s movement before you had any idea?

According to Keith Melton, of the International Spy Museum, there are 132 references of espionage in the New Testament.  Much of the history of espionage is lubed in sexuality and iniquitous damsels. Mata Hari was one of the most well-known undercover mistresses of all time.   

In the vernacular of the spy world, there is an imposition called the “Honey Trap.”  This was usually the hotel room where a prostitute or other sexual encounter might bring a young serviceman for an evening tryst, and learn any secrets he might be willing to tell.

During the Cold War, the Soviet KGB rigged rooms all over Europe to ensure service members as well as political officials could be spied upon and even blackmailed. To ensure these people ended up in the right room they would simply give a free upgrade, compliments of some anonymous source. It’s said that it wouldn’t be uncommon to have KGB operatives creeping in the room next door.

The President of Indonesia was once said to be blackmailed in bedroom shots with several Pan Am flight attendants.  Unfortunately for the spies, he asked for more copies so he could show his people how “virile” their leader was!

Throughout the Sixties & Seventies, Swingers' parties were a common thing in our nation’s capital.  Once a Czech couple named Karl and Hana Koecher gained access to classified CIA documents through wife swapping. Sexpionage experts say that Washington Politicians know way too many synonyms for sex acts and giggle like school girls whenever they are mentioned.  One favorite saying during the Cold War was …

“It is sometimes said that there are Reds under every bed.”

So remember those old words “Loose Lips Sink Ships” the next time you end up in a midnight tryst in some seedy foreign port!!!

- Information Courtesy of Jason Koebler & Sarah Zlotnick of the Washingtonian.

1 comment:

  1. So I hear this SEA STORY from a Engineer on the Knox FF-1052 in about 1977. We got the Honey Pot Trap Port Brief for a visit to Hong Kong... I am a Tweeker so I did not run with that group. The story goes that this Hole Snipe gets drunk at a Bar and starts talking about this new Radar the Knox was getting soon and that he had been to school on it... He was soon joined by a pretty girl and a few drinks later they are in bed going to town... Next morning the girl starts asking questions about the Ship and the NEW RADAR... He said he does not KNOW about any RADAR... She pulls out some Pictures of them having SEX... She points to his WEDDING BAND... We will show the picture to your WIFE... He laughs... He said I am a Hole Snipe... I make FIRE... And I am NOT Married.... I just do this to get LAID.... And asked for one of the pictures to show to his buddies and add to his collection...
