Thursday, February 18, 2021

"Protons, Neutrons, Electrons & Morons"


I once had a shipmate in First Division who got kicked out of Nuke school. I asked him how it happened. He said,

“One day in-class the instructor was explaining the makeup of an atom. You see they have protons, neutrons, and electrons. Then I said you forgot, they have plenty of morons too!”

My shipmate ended up being the smartest damned deck seaman I ever knew … 


  1. It's bad when, once becoming Nuke Waste not only do you get to go to the fleet you also lose your rating as well (ET/EM/MM) and go to the fleet as an unrated seaman.

    1. Not true if you went submarines you still go to non nuke ET/EM/MM school.

  2. if you flunk out of A school (prior testing proved you could do it) but you are lazy... you did not put forth the effort... now the Navy will punish you for thee rest of your enlistment

    1. I am actually glad I didn't finish "A" school. I was about to be assigned to a mine sweeper and wouldn't have met some of the best friends I could ever have asked for. Sure being a deck seaman sucked but I wouldn't have been to some awesome ports like Australia, P.I. and Thailand just to name a few.

  3. I don't remember that anyone dropped becoming non-rated (1971-76) after all, Navy had an investment in A school training, why throw it away?

    Dan - thanks for font change, making this more legible!

  4. AS an ex Nuke going to a sweep wasn't a bad deal. Small tight crew, you had to rely on your know how and ability to get things done. As an EM2 I was LPO and filling an E7 billet. With a small ship like that you didn't do 300 day deployments and made friends for life. Of course when I went through the pipeline you did A school first.
