Monday, February 8, 2021

"Weak Stomach"


Aboard ship, crossing the North Atlantic, I noticed the young seasick shipmate losing his cookies over the railing alongside several others…


“I never knew you had such a weak stomach,”


… I said …


“It’s not weak!”


… He replied …


“I’m throwing up just as far as the rest of these guys.” 


  1. I loved hurricanes and typhoons because I was too busy hanging on to be sick. It's those long slow rolls that got me!

  2. I liked the rough rides. I always got a little nausea when we first went out. I found if I ate a lemon like you would an orange it would settle the stomach and I was good to go.

  3. The rougher it got the hungrier I got.
    Interesting that the roughest day the had chili, saw a number of crew loose it just seeing the chili.

  4. Loved sleeping weather ever!
    USS Last Ship had rack straps to keep you from rolling out, and that flat-bottomed gator freighter could roll with the best of them!
    Put your back against the strap and your knees against the back of your rack and get rocked right to sleep.
    I liked to bring smoked oysters and/or sardines down for breakfast during hurricane sorties...yeah...I'm that guy...LoL

    1. I used to like to wander through troop berthing munching on a sardine as we passed the breakwater... Mass exodus to the troop berthing head ensued

  5. When the anchor went up, or they moved the colors, I WOULD GET SICK !

  6. At times I lived on soda crackers.
