Sunday, November 10, 2019

"More Corny One Liners ..."

Maritime Imperial Unit Puns
You can’t even fathom how many there are

What do you get when you put 100 sailors in 1 room?
A lot of seamen

How does a sailor get his mast up?
He uses a wench!

What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
A nervous wreck!

Why is it so easy for girls in the navy to get pregnant?
Because there's so many seamen.

How does a sailor tell his wench he wants to have sex?
Drop your sails and prepare t' be boarded!

Why can’t the sailors play cards?
They were standing on the deck

The greatest harbor on Earth can shelter not a single ship...
It is truly without pier.

Why are electricians terrible sailors?
They are always running aground.

What kind of oranges do sailors eat to fight off scurvy?
Navel oranges

Shouldn't opera singers be good sailors?
Since they're good at high C's.

Why can't you send sailors through the mail?
You try explaining to the postman why you have a load of seamen for him.

What is seamen's favorite animal?
A swallow.

What does your mum and the Bermuda triangle have in common?
They’ve both swallowed a lot of seamen

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