Saturday, April 8, 2023

"Missing Ship's Movement"


The sailor had missed his ship. He watched it majestically steaming through the Golden Gate. With his arms around the girl’s waist and a gloomy look on his face, he muttered ... 

“Now, honey, we're both in trouble.”


  1. Missed a ship one time ... worst feeling ever. Turned out not my fault, ship sailed 6 hours early, but still ....

  2. I missed ships movement starting the World Cruise in I think 83! A bunch of us ended up being flown out to Rosy Roads to await being sent out to the ship. Got to land on the deck in Miss Molly, What a Great Time!!

  3. Made it by the skin of my teeth. We were tied up outboard of a nest of destroyers in San Diego in 68. The brow was already moved and #5 and #1 mooring lines were singled up I went hand over hand down the mooring line. I got a congratulations on getting aboard from the XO and a 6 months suspended bust. Hopewell 681 Jim Buckman. SFP3.
