Saturday, October 8, 2022

"Guys We Can Do Without & Landlubbers Don't Live"

During World War II, there were plenty of life threatening hazards aboard the ship that could get a shipmate into trouble. Not only did the enemy present himself as your potential demise, but a haphazard shipmate could do the same. Here we have the “Guys we can do without” art series that was used for training throughout the fleet…


The U.S. Navy also had another series of training posters called “Lubbers Don’t Live”. These posters usually starred Whistlin’ Joe who could go overboard with a swish.

“Oh heed the fate of Whistlin’ Joe!”

“Forgot the lifelines were so low.”

“Back home the WAC’s were his pet rave.”

“But he went overboard for a WAVE!”

Fin )


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