Sunday, October 30, 2022

"Happy Halloween 2022"

Here are some ghoulish Sailor’n jokes for you nautical salts out there. I know they’re littered with more candy corn than a trick-or-treat bag, but I hope you enjoy the creativity…


What do you get if you cross a ghost with a sailor?

A sea-ghoul!


If you're booing right now, then our work here is done — and not because we made you groan over our so-bad-but-good Halloween jokes, but because this is exactly what you're supposed to be doing on Halloween…


Who's in charge of the candy corn?

The kernel.


Why did the Headless Horseman join the Navy?

He wanted to get a-head in life.


What did the ghost say to the Corpsman when he went to medical?

I got a boo-boo.


Did you hear about the zombie sailor who took a nap?

It was dead tired.

What do ghostly sailors drink?



Sailors go to bars looking for booze. Ghosts go to bars looking for boos…


Why don’t ghost sailors shower?

It dampens their spirits.


Like sailors, zombies too have pick-up lines …

“Hey Babe, you’re drop-dead gorgeous.”


Why did the zombie sailor go to Captain’s Mast?

He missed his dead-line.


Why do witches and sailors both drink beer?

They both like a good brew…

Fin )

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