Saturday, May 1, 2021

"Mayday Pin-ups for 2021"

 This goes out to any of you dirty ol’ rapscallions who have ever served with women in our United States Canoe Club Cabaret. Many a young Seaman has fantasized about anchoring his dinghy in the harbor of one of those young cute female division officers. I’m sure the same could be said of the women sailors and their male officer counterparts, so I’m not saying anything that isn’t true to its word. Or the Commanding Officer tying you up to the mast and giving you a few whacks with the ol’ leather shillelagh. Well here are a few shipmates of the gentler type that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside! I hope you all enjoy…



  1. yummy... I had relationship with a naval academy freshman and I had just graduated. She was a "California Girl". The Navy wasn't amused and I had a Vice Admiral's mast for conduct unbecoming. I lost a half month's pay and got a punitive letter of reprimand.
