Tuesday, November 7, 2017

'Australian Service Ship'

If Australia became a republic, HMAS may become simply AS (Dropping the "His/Her Majesty's), or 'ASS'…  Here's Thirty-One ways that this could turn out bad:

I have to say admiral, you run a tight ass.

She's the largest ass in the fleet.

Sir! Our ass has sprung a leak!

Quick, sound the depth-sonar...I want to know exactly how many asses are in the area.

Our ass is hit sir!

That ass was lost at sea.

I've never seen so many seamen inside one ass.

Tell the Rear Admiral to get the seamen onto the poop deck … we have an ass to clean.

Request permission to land on your ass.

That submarine is attacking our ass.

I hear they're developing a new stealth-ass, it can slip right in undetected.

I'm the Cheng, I'll be probing deep into the bowels of your ass.

Let’s get this ass ship-shape.

We've detected a foreign object in the ass!

C'mon, let’s haul ass.

This ass will track the movements of the navy.

The air force will go in first and the ass will bring up the rear.

The supply ass is following closely.

They just fired on our ass!

Let’s fill this ass with able seamen.

They've breached the ass!

The Enemy: Vay are zey assink aruund?!

Our asses will shit on anything they throw at us.

We'll plunder that ass for all she's got.

Deploy the ass' floatation devices!

I've sunk many an ass in my time.

I'm giving this ass all I can Cap'n, she just can't take any more!

Get off my ass!

Those sea-men rode in on a huge ass.

The captain went down on his ass.

The ass has encountered a 20 knot tailwind.

The same could be said in all cases if the term Australian Naval Ship (ANS, or 'anus') was used.

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