Wednesday, March 18, 2015

'The Only Way Is The Navy Way'


  1. Prior to my Navy service,I was in the Army in 1959.In our mess hall in Basic,a sargeant stood by the garbage cans as we would leave.The only things allowed to be tossed were paper products and bones!The rule was take all you want but eat all you take!! HTC Dave Goldstein (Ret 1996)

  2. Because of the Iranian hostage crisis and our happening to be moving a HUGE (but not used) Amphibious Task Force in the general direction of the Gulf, Gridley was stalked 24/7 by a Soviet AGI, and they would regularly go through our garbage. Some innovators would add a little extra.... let's call it "biomass" to the "packages"

    1. This "biomass" wouldn't by chance be something brown and "aromatic" now, would it? ;o)

    2. Was in that same operation with 1700 marines in company. Through my career we always added "gifts" to the Soviets. But, in a different light, during steel beach picnics I would add put together full-dressed sliders, chips and cokes in clean bags with streamers, and just smile a bit at what was going one back there.

  3. Sweepers sweepers,man your brooms, give the ship a clean sweep down both for and aft, sweep down all lower decks ladder backs and passageways, dump ALL TRASH Starboard side aft, now sweepers

  4. It's not that way anymore on the Military Sealift Ships (owned by the Navy). Its sorted and palatalized, and then taken ashore. Raw food for the fish is still disposed of at sea if you're far enough out to sea. Don't know about the Navy Combat ships. They may not have the storage capacity on Destroyers or Cruisers (or maybe even the carriers)
