Saturday, November 19, 2016

‘A Picture Worth A Thousand Words Or More’

You won’t get this in todays’ Canoe Cabaret!!!


  1. I would have had my cuffs turned out, Dragons from Sasebo. dig?

  2. Replies
    1. Actually kind of agree with that. I work with the current navy. They can't even say "I'm going to the head" anymore. No they have to call it the "water closet" I'm like what?!

  3. Water closet?! We're not fucking British!!!!

    1. It's not called the water closet. Guy is an idiot and doesn't know what he is talking about. XO just told me yesterday, "hold on DCC, I need to make a quick head call".

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Screw that "we should be like the English" bullshit. This is a page for US Navy sailors and sailor talk. Screw the P.C. crap...It is a freaking Head nothing crude or wrong about that! Go pick some dam daises!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Im still in the Navy and the only thing called the water closet is where we keep our brooms and deep sink inside the "HEAD". It's still called the head. Obviously you don't work very hard with the Navy.

  6. My brother was in the Navy, He saw a lot of the world. He was on the USS flat top Antietam.He rode out a typhoon on it. He is dead, and I am very old. You can't stop time. AVAST, YE SWAB!
