Thursday, January 3, 2019

"Liberty Limits"

No matter how much he begged, a sailor was unable to get more than a two hour pass to see his wife. The Officer on the watch wasn't thrilled when the young man returned six hours later.

"You've been on unauthorized absence for four hours. Explain yourself!"

So the sailor replied…

"Well, when I got home, my wife was in the bathtub, and it took four hours for my uniform to dry."


  1. That's an excellent excuse, and a reason to be dismissed from Captain's Mast with no NJP.

  2. I once had a young sailor working for me request special liberty because his wife was going to have a baby and he wanted to be there at the conception. Request granted!

  3. I did brig time over a woman and alchohol. She was worth it, alcohol not so much.

  4. I did brig time over a woman and alchohol. She was worth it, alcohol not so much.

  5. I did brig time over a woman and alchohol. She was worth it, alcohol not so much.

  6. 1970 we got a young kid from the middle of nowhere and some podunk little town in Kansas I think. He was football hero she was homecoming queen, you get the picture they probably never saw a 3 story building until they got to san diego. He was a good kid and the wives showed her the ropes about commissary, medical exchange and made sure they had everything. however it seemed like the kid caught a lot OT work, remeber this was still a time when the LPO had your liberty cards. everything appeared cool for a while then the wife stopped socializing with the others when her husband had duty or was working late. One day she came to the other wives in tears saying she couldnt do this anymore. It seemed like the LPO was going over their house and banging her telling her if she didnt have sex with him her husband would be thrown in the brig and and get a DD. the wives told the husbands a few days later we invited mr. lpo to the strip joint off base We took him to the piers in Imperial Beach and he got a severe dose of fan room counseling he never bothered anyone again
