Sunday, February 3, 2019

"Morning Quarters"

How many of you old Salts remember making it back to the ship for the Morning Quarters drunk parade? There was nothing like the settle scent of alcohol on half the Division’s breathe at 0730 in the morning. Many a Shipmate made it past the brow just in time to slip in their dungarees and get a quick shave before showing up all red-eyed in front of the Division Officer, LPO and his Chief! But hey, we survived and built up an immunity that could handle leprosy, snake bites and the Ebola Virus.  We survived.

Here are a few art pieces of Morning Quarters to share with you shipmates…

Quarters on the Lockwood …

Here is one from an unknown artist on the Meyerkord …

Quarters on the Davidson …

An oldie  from Lord knows where …

My very own from my days on the Bagley …

And who could forget the episode of “In The Navy” on the Simpsons?!?


  1. on the DDG-14 used to hold quarters till the Warrant would make it to quarters

  2. Hell yea the Lockkwood one fits. We were a tight crew over in Yoko and we would party to the max.
