Sunday, October 9, 2011

'Gun Barrel'

A Gunners Mate joins the crew of a ship. After a few days he gets restless and asks

 “What does one do about sex around here?”

The others direct him to a large gun barrel with a hole in it. At first he does not like the idea much but, when he tries it, he finds it surprisingly enjoyable.

He has another go the next day, and again the day after.
Then he asks,

“Can I do this every day?”

“Yes, every day, except Wednesdays”.

“Why not on Wednesdays?”

“Wednesdays is YOUR turn inside the barrel!” 


  1. HAHAHAHA!!! Im tellin this to the rest of my division. My little powder monkeys are gonna get a kick outta this. I love being a Gunners Mate lol

  2. It was a barrell on ole San Marcos LSD several told me before I ever left of boot camp hahhaha..sweet memories.....Sent newbies to the bridge to ask Captain for the STERNGATE KEY our ship let tailgate down flooded boat deck so 6 and 8 boats floated to take marines to the beach.......was so fun...sweet memories.....
