Friday, September 15, 2017

'Real Chiefs'

As the season ends for the newly selected Chiefs in our hallowed Mess, remember these words of encouragement as real Chiefs…

Real Chiefs don’t order supplies, they swap for them

Real Chiefs favorite quote comes from the movie Ben Hur, “We keep you alive to serve the ship.”

Real Chiefs know that excessive modesty is their only fault!

Real Chiefs hate to write evaluations, except for their own!

Real Chiefs turn in a four page brag sheet for their evaluation!

Real Chiefs always say their last ship was their best ship!

Real Chiefs know that the black tar in their coffee cup makes them coffee taste better!

Real Chiefs are proudest when one of their former strikers makes Chief!

Real Chiefs idea of heave: Three good PO1’s and a Division Officer who does what he is told!

Real Chiefs think John Wayne would have made a good Chief if he had ont gone soft and made Marine movies!

Real Chiefs never go to Sick Call!

Real Chiefs have to go out and bring everyone back!

Real Chiefs know that you never wrestle with a pig because you both get dirty, and the pig likes it!

Real Chiefs never argue with an idiot because people watching may not be able to tell the difference!

Real Chiefs observe everything, but admire nothing!

Real Chiefs know that they will always get what they inspect, not what they expect!

Real Chiefs agreed with John Wayne when he said, “Life is tough! But it’s tougher when you’re stupid!”

Real Chiefs know that no sailor is completely worthless, because worst case, they serve as a good bad example!

Real Chiefs know that there’s no help program like a self-help program!

Real Chiefs will tell you that, “If you are going to do something stupid, at least be smart about it!”

Real Chiefs assume nothing is so simple that it cannot be misunderstood and they act accordingly!

Real Chiefs view land as a mere hazard to navigation!

Real Chiefs never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity!

Real Chiefs never take the advice of someone who has not had their kind of trouble!

Real Chiefs know that if it is stupid but works, it is not stupid!

Real Chiefs will tell you that you can survive on charm for about 5 minutes, after that, you’d better know something!

Real Chiefs know that assumption is the mother of all screw-ups!

Real Chiefs never assume, they get the facts!

Real Chiefs do not confuse effort with results!

Real Chiefs will give you three choices in any situation; change, accept, or leave the Navy!


  1. I have known many real chiefs including the ones on USS Peterson. Mark, Bob you were some on the best.
