Wednesday, July 20, 2011

“More Pranks and Fools Errands”

If you never were enlisted in the good ol’ boy Navy then you missed out on some special times never intended for the likes of sissies and gutless wankers without a backbone. I've somehow managed to reach the ripe tenure of Navy retirement age in this ol’ canoe club without being lynched, keelhauled, dunked from a yard arm, marooned on a beach head, tarred and feathered or sold into slavery for my litany of misdeeds! If you consider some of the sailors and rascals I ran with, that has to make me a one of a kind!

In my glorious youth as a sailor I’ve been witness to a myriad of transgressions that would make most any pirate gaudamn proud in his own right. I haven’t the foggiest notion on where to begin this tale so I’ll start from the forecastle and work my way down to the fantail. Let’s run amuck shall we?

Anyone ever heard of the Mail Buoy Watch? One of the oldest tricks in the book next to the batteries for the sound powered phones…usually plays out with some gullable rookie greenhorn on the forecastle his first underway! Poor fella stands out in the rain and high winds look’n for a buoy so he can retrieve said mail for the crew! Everyone knows how important the mail is underway!!!

Up forward below the forcastle there was a tiny self-governing lil’ place known as the 'bos’n locker'. It was ruled by a senior Deck Ape and inhabited by a raggety-ass group of scoundrels known as deck hands. Its seclusion was insured by its inaccessibility from any other parts of the ship. No one without a bos’n whistle or a chipping hammer ever had a purpose or desire to loiter in such a wretched place. I’m figuring the ‘bos’n locker’ was sacred so long as some sorry land lubber didn’t escape from a well secured tie down of a bos’n knot. Ya didn’t wanna be the victim of a training session while BM1 was giving deckhand training to his gang of scoundrels… gives a hole new meaning to being hog tied!!

On the bridge sometimes a senior space cadet seaman might send another to tell the OOD we’ve spotted a few ‘CGU-11s’ (seagulls) on the horizon. Some JOODs will fall for this as well…considering they’re usually butter bar Ensigns who are still wet behind the ears. Another one that might get the ship’s QMC a little heated would be to send someone to the bridge for a PRKY-7 (Prick E-7)! Most will refer the young fella to the QMC who will give him a tongue lashing from hell!! Do you remember that “Double A”?? Yeah, I sent his ass up there…..I knew you were on watch!! He-he!!

I'm sure if you ever came up to CIC you got a glimpse of the ‘DRT snake’!! In some cases it might have been referred to as the ‘DRT Worm.’ He-he… When a new fella would get shown around the ship we had a piece of equipment back in the day called the Dead Reckoning Tracer (DRT). It was essentially a table with a glass top and a hollow interior with a light where the ship’s gyro gave inputs for course and speed changes. A side panel would be opened and the poor sap would bend down and look inside. Mean while our illustrious tour guide would whip out his cobra commander into the open interior and watch as the new fella shrieked in horror while leaping backwards as though it was gonna bite’m! It’s a classic maneuver I believe was taught some place called OS ‘A’ School somewhere in Virginia…

In the berthing compartments ol’ salts can be like cannibals eating their young! Yes, watching these ol’ coots teach us how to trice up racks and stuff young’ns into the laundry bin was always a treat. I remember a few times tricing up a young sailor into his rack and duct taping his sorry ass so he couldn’t get out until someone cut him down. That sorry son-of-a-bitch could be in there for hours. One of my favorites was dousing some poor son-of-a-bitches white sheets with some fine ‘bug juice’ powder! That would be Kool aid to all you land lubbers! When the sorry fella’ starts to sweat in his rack……ooooh it makes funny shapes & designs allover his gaudamn sheets! Talk about a pissed off sailor... with horns!!

Then there are the Mess Deck Follies! This is a great place to send a fella for a bucket of steam. On one particular cruise one of the A-gangers was crank’n and decided to tactically place an unused condom into the vat of vanilla pudding on the serving line. He pushed it down into the bowl so it couldn't be seen. A few scoops later and ‘Presto’!! That son-of-a-bitch caused quite a riot!! Thank Neptunis Rex he never got caught…..but we knew who did it!!

The Engineers on a ship are always ready to have some fun. Send that poor fella’ down to the Central Control Room (CCS) to blow the MPA! That would be Main Propulsion Assistant… usually an LDO or CWO ol’ salt who’s been around a while!!

“So you wanna be funny do ya?” … as he unzips his fly!! “Who sent your ass down here? Tell them they need to come blow the MPA because they’re good at it!”

I’ve even heard where the poor SAP involved was sent down to Engineering with a bag of laundry to ask for the ‘CHENG’ to do his laundry for him…..that would be the Chief Engineer!! Doesn’t usually bode well for the young fella!

What about the flight deck? Never mess with those airdales when they’re trying to take care of the helos! You might just get sent down to supply for some good ol’ prop wash! Or what about 100 ft of flight line? These guys have their own set of pranks to pull….and they’re all good ones!!

The fantail is kinda the back porch of your float’n oasis away from home! It’s here where sailors came off watch to smoke a cigarette and tell a no shitter!! It’s the place where we could relax our guard and talk about that transvestite seaman Johnny was smootch’n with at our last liberty port! This was the place to witness a glorious sunset or watch the rooster tail as the ship was at full flank! It was also a good place for Chief to deliver a good ass chewing….As you can see, not a lot of pranks were pulled on the fantail. This was kind of a sacred place… but it was also funnier than shit to watch some poor fella tripping over the bollards in the dead of night trying to make his way out to the smoke pit!!

The last place you wanted to be pranked on was in the head. The smell of the shitters could do wanders to a young lad prone to sea sickness! Gett’n one of those fellas to stand over the shitter and continuously flush it until the swirls change direction while crossing the equator was a classic.

“Let us know when it changes direction so we can start the ceremonies!!”

This was usually done with one of the squeamish fellas who didn’t want to partake in the ‘WOG DAY’ ceremonies! He would get his… one way or the other! Then of course was the ‘Mad Shitter’!! Nothing worse than walking into the shower at 0500 hours after reveille to be greeted by a hot steamy turd in the shower! Happened all the time on the good ol’ RAINIER!!

Yep, over the years I was probably involved in every knot-head prank and foolish stunt that took place! (But I wasn’t the Mad Shitter) …We were young and dumb but the memories are still a lot of fun! Can you still remember????


  1. I used to send my young boots, fresh from "A" School, up the yardarm to change the light bulb in the smoking lamp!

    Thanks for bringing back some memories of a great time!

    SMC(SW/AW)(Ret) sends...

  2. The squeegee sharpner. Bottle of A.I.R. A water hammer. The list goes on. Never a dull moment in the life of a Snipe!

  3. Thanks for sharing !!On the Halsey(CG-23), A few deck ape friends would send the new guys to us in the HT shop for a "punch". Also loved when the twidgets (non engineering folks) would come into the shop and ask something. We made sure to throw stuff (heavy metal objects) at their non steel toed dress shoes or chase them with sledge hammers. lol

    1. This twidget's 1st tax return was earned scraping barnacles at the yacht club for real privledged owners.

    2. And HT's couldn't much give this swamp rat grief after I told em how we use plumbers hoe to build dikes

  4. What?!? No relative bearing grease for the radar antenna?

  5. On the Midshipman cruise on Mississippi (CGN-40) during the summer of 88 we had a 3rd class midshipman go to no less than 25 spaces in search of the ship's kite! Also sent a bootcamp OS to the messdecks for some ice cubes when the SLQ-32's polar display melted.

  6. ID-10t forms...sent a boot JO after some of those...he never liked me afterwards.

  7. What about sending someone for a BT punch? How about fifteen fathoms of "gig" line for the Captain's gig? We got a cople of guys on the "Mail Bouy watch" in the middle of the IO 1000 miles from the nearest land. The old man was in on it and had them pass the word over the 1MC that seaman so-and -so missed the mail bouy so there will be no mail today. Nobody spoke to him for 2 days.

  8. While working on a pump for the chill water system, we were having trouble getting the end of the motor off. The A gang officer (LTjg)came down to check on us. I told him we were were having trouble because the bearing was threaded on the shaft. He left to report to the CHENG. A fer minutes later the CHENG came down and told me not to pick on the LTjg, all the time trying to keep a straight face.

  9. Sent a young HTFA off to SIMA to get some wooden welding rod because he cut the shoring too sort

  10. Sent a guy from the shop all over the USS Carl Vinson looking for an A-S-H Receiver. Eventually, somebody in CVIC gave him a butt kit. He had a tough time trusting me after that.

  11. One prank that I do remember taking place on the fantail was the sea bat. A guy would come running into a work space and tell a new guy "We caught a sea bat! Come look at him". And when the gullible young Sailor went to the fantail there would be several shipmates gathered around a box on the deck. He'd have to get down on his hands and knees to peer under the box, and then his shipmates would swat him in the ass with brooms.

    I remember one young lad got angry when they started with the brooms and said "Stop messing with me. I'm trying to see the thing". Poor kid didn't get it.

  12. A BT2 sent a young fireman to get the keys to the Sea Chest. Four hours later he comes back and tells the BT2 that he couldn't find the keys and the XO wanted to see him.

    Apparently the XO had no idea why the BT2 thought he wanted to see him. Sometimes it backfires.

  13. Sent new electricians around to pretty much every shop looking for a bag of OHMS.....
    one actually kinda succeeded by bringing back a bag full of fuses....

    1. A bucket of electrons but be sure to take a rubber bucket!

  14. Batteries for the sound-powered phone, keys to the grinder

  15. I loved the group running the chit up to lower the mast. We were getting ready to go under the Golden Gate and the poor guys (and gals) were told to run the chit about an hour in advance. They needed more than usual signatures and hadn't gotten them all in time. They were so freaked out, absolutely sure we were going to hit the bridge.

  16. Ahh yes...cranking down the mast. Got that one pulling into Charleston, going under the Cooper River Bridge. They had just about the whole damn crew in on it. They had three of us running around the ship, gathering items and getting signatures. The last signature was of course the CO's (who was in on it). So we wen to the CO for his scribble. He signed the chit but he wanted one last thing and sent us off again. By time we found what we'd been sent after the Co had shifted locations to the bridge. So off we went to the bridge, dressed in our whites, in battle dress, hard hat's secured to our heads with those elastic straps; safety harnesses securely fastened, tool bag in tow with safety lanyards of course - safety first, wouldn't want to drop a tool on someone head. We make it to the bridge and the skippers no where to be found, but the XO's right there - next best thing, right? Apparently he didn't get the memo because when PO3 Brown asked the XO for permission to go aloft to crank down the mast what followed was priceless. The XO's response was "You go tell whoever told you to crank down the mast to go fuck themselves." Well about that time the skipper came out of his at sea cabin. Being the quick thinking smart ass that he was, he immediately approached the skipper and stated 'Sir, the Executive Officer told me to tell you to go fuck yourself". We were promptly dismissed from our cranking down the mast duties.

    1. That made me laugh... great story!

    2. I had a smart ass bm3 pull that on me sent me and another boot to the aft bosn hole to get it. So we took off running till we got out of sight then i went to our smoking hole which just so happened to be across the passageway i went in there and lit one up about 45 minutes later i finally got caught and told them i was waiting on someone to come open the locker. Joke was on them.

  17. Flattop, after passing through the Straights of Gibralter and securing the "Monkey Watch" detail. Our squadron Airframes shop was a designated smoking area - the ship CMC had passed the word to our squadron CMC that the boat would be reviewing and requaling all designated smoking areas prior to the next inport period. One young AMSAN was rather upset that there was a chance that he would lose "his" smoking area before the first port call even went down.
    Several LPO's told the young airman that if he wanted to insure that the squadron kept its smoking area that he would have to collect air samples from his shop and from each of the three hangar bays. He was issued four fifty-five gallon trash bags - told that his breath could potentially contaminate the samples, he was issued a gas mask to wear along with large black rubber gloves - and since we were underway, he was instructed to wear full flightdeck gear including cranial and floatcoat. Shortly after taps was sounded he commenced his mission.
    The young man filled his first "air sample" bag from the shop with relatively few problems. The air sample from Bay 3 was a bit more troubling for him... sucking air through that rubber gas mask and 15 year old canisters was taking its toll.
    Now you have to picture this kid wearing the gas mask, cranial, float coat, and black rubber gloves, running full tilt through the hangar bay at midnite, waving a clear plastic 55 gallon trash bag over his head, and dramatically trying to close the bag quickly before the air escaped - then looking at us LPO's and shouting in a gas mask muffled voice, "Is it full enough?!" All three LPO's shaking their heads in the negative, and the airman doggedly running in the opposite direction...
    Somewhere in the airman's fourth or fifth pass of Bay 2, the Commanding Officer of the ship and the XO came around the tail of one of the aircraft and stood right next to us LPO's. We popped to attention, and the Skipper says, "Ah... gentlemen, what is going on here?" while staring at the young airman running and hopping across his hangar bay. I volunteered with an answer, "Sir, Airman B***** is currently collecting fresh air samples to submit for our upcoming smoking area requalification..."
    The XO began to grin, and the Skipper, trying to keep a straight face, simply said, "I see. Carry-on, men..." The to officers turned and walked away.
    Shortly there after, they disappeared behind an another aircraft, and we distinctly heard laughter fading down the hangar bay...
    The next day our CMC informed us that we were to keep our designated smoking area - and the authorization was personally signed by the Ship's Skipper!

    1. Great Story... I might have to post that one sometime!

  18. As a snipe on a carrier we would do many pranks. One of our traditions was to ensure no one went on their honeymoon unless their wedding tackle was dyed with machinists bluing. There was also a time a smart mouth FA was sent for a bucket of steam seal(storeroom was in on it). They sent him back with five gallons of water. It wasn't labeled so he obviously had to take it to the water lab for testing. We should have stopped there. The next trip was to Central Control to have it certified as main steam seal. The CHENG was talking with the EOOW when the main steam seal certification request was made. That got us a pretty good lecture about caring for the greenies. In private the CHENG told me he thought it was an excellent plan to teach a young man to ask questions when he didn't know what was going on, which was our point (I think).

    1. We had a FN going on leave to get married and we held him down and gave him a necklace of hickies!

  19. Ha yes, well remembered many, mail bouy,padeye wrench,ballistic lagging, go get the key to startup aircraft...,
    Anti torpedo guns (.50 cal mounts around the weather decks).

  20. I was telling my son about the DRT Snake on the Momsen. I typed in "US Navy DRT Snake" and Chief, your page came up first.. LOL

  21. I had been in for about 2 years before I hit the fleet. (I was a Corpsman) I have some guys tell me to go get them 50 feet of fallopian tube. Long story short I had a 2 hour break and was paged on the 1MC to report to ?? There was an Ensign asking where I was and why I didn't complete my assigned task. (This was in the early 1990's no females on board) I told him " Found some pussies, but none of them female." He was biting his lip as he told me to get out of here. They never "pranked" me again, but I was enlisted into the prankers bragraide. Another story but they would send newbies to get the lightbulb repair kit and someone had actually cut a lightbulb in half and built a case for it. I had to keep it in sickbay.

  22. The only one I fell for was going to get a boatswain's punch which I received from an old salt nicknamed "mule"!

  23. The only one I fell for was going to get a boatswain's punch which I received from an old salt nicknamed "mule"!

  24. In one ship the ETs, drew up an MDC card to " clean out the Blip Tray" on the PPI scopes.

  25. On my third class midshipman cruise, I was rotating through engineering. This night I had the midwatch in the fire room. Shortly after relieving the watch, the BT2 told me to go find 50 feet of shoreline or left handed monkey wrench or something,, and not to return until I found it. I snapped an Aye, Aye and made a bee line for my rack.
    I still can imagine the PO telling the story of the green Midn who spent all searching the LPD for shoreline. It makes me smile everytime.
